Coming from a CT Personal Branding Photographer, if you are an entrepreneur there are five photos you should have in your photo bank that you can share on your website, social accounts, blog, printed materials and email newsletter among other places!
It’s so helpful to have a variety of images that show the world who you are and what you do or sell.
A personal branding session should address every area of your business so you can attract your dream clients and serve to your highest and brightest potential.
As a CT Personal Branding Photographer I’d love to share my must have photos!
So let’s dive in for my top five types of photos to get during your personal branding session.
1. The hero shot!
What’s the hero shot?? It’s the photo of you that your potential clients see right away on your website. It’s you and them, connecting for the first time. It’s you looking at the camera in a friendly, happy way and making that first impression of who your potential client will be working with.
Now this doesn’t have to be a boring “headshot” type of photo. You in a blazer up against a black backdrop #outdated.
It’s you in your environment, acting naturally and showing your approachability.

2. Lifestyle Photos
What’s a lifestyle photo? Well, I like to describe it as photos of you “doing your thang”.
Maybe that’s practicing yoga, or painting on a canvas, or putting on make-up, or frosting cupcakes.
The images should show your audience what you do and why they should want to work with you.
These are fun images that take away the pressure of looking at the camera for every photo, which I know can sometimes be awkward.

3. Prop and/or Product Photos
These are fun images to get to show off what you sell plus it’s important to get beautiful photos of what you actually sell!
Props, that you don’t necesarily sell, but like to use yourself are a fun way to add variety to photos and potentially add connection to your potential clients.
Perhaps you have a favorite coffee mug, or yoga mat, or crystals or the tools you use to create your products.
These types of photos make great filler photos on your website, blog posts, or on social media.

4. Behind the Scenes
I personally love a good behind the scenes photo! It gives your audience a peek into what your work life is actually like.
Often times we only see the finished product of something and not the process, but sharing that is important and gives the sense that people are getting an all access pass into our business.

5. Personal Life
I like to include an aspect of personal life into my branding sessions as it shows the full picture of us. It doesn’t have to be a full dive into our personal life, but sharing one or two aspects of it can help us build that know, like and trust factor with our audience.
When people feel more connected to you, they are more likely to work with you.
Perhaps you show what mom life looks like and get some shots with your kids (or pets!). Or maybe you love wine and want some photos relaxing and enjoying a glass of wine. Maybe you love to meditate, or cook, or draw. What’s another side of you that you want to share about?

So there ya have it, as a CT Personal Branding Photographer, my five must have photos to have of your business. I hope this is helpful as you plan out your personal brand photo session.
Remember your audience needs to see you too, not just hear from you. Your brand photos will help tell the story of you and attract those dream clients you signed up to serve in the first place!
Show up for them (and you!) and put yourself out there, it’s why you started your business in the first place, right??

Five Photos Every Entrepreneur Should Have: CT Personal Branding Photographer
FILED IN: Helpful Tips, Personal Brand Photography
February 27, 2023