There are so many ways you can use your brand photos for your business!! Sometimes it’s easy to overlook the need for photos because we think the selfie or the stock image will do the trick, and there might be cases where that is true.
However, if you want to keep showing up consistently for your audience you’re gonna have to have a library of brand photos that can you pull from. I promise you, that selfie will only take you so far.
And no, you don’t just need photos for Instagram! If you want to expand your reach and grow your business you’ll likely need a website, maybe write blog posts on your field of genius, maybe you need a professional photo for Linkedin or you’re going to be a speaker at an event.
Perhaps you need printed marketing materials and stock photos just don’t represent you or your brand.
So here we go, my top five places to use your brand photos:
1. Website
You and what your brand represents should be written all over your website!

It’s so important to show your potential clients who you are and what you do best! My #1 tip for your homepage of your website: Show your face!
Do you clients know who they will be working with and a little bit about you? If not, they are less likely to move forward with working with you because they don’t yet feel comfortable with you because they don’t know anything about you.
Fill your website with beautiful photos of you, your work space, your products you make, your services you offer and watch the clients flood in!
A website with long forms of text will not get read the way you think it will. Show up and show your audience what you can do for them!
2. Social Media Accounts
Your social media accounts are another easy spot to showcase you and your brand! Imagine how much easier it would be to post if you had a bank of images to pull from whenever you had a brilliant idea you want to share with your audience.

I’ve been there before, I’ve had something I wanted to share and then realize I don’t have a photo to post with it (and I’m a photographer!!). It stops us in our tracks and prevents us from connecting with our audience.
I promise you, if you have images to pull from you will be way more likely to post consistently!
3. Blog Posts
I know you have amazing topics to share about and you can (an do) write interesting and helpful blog posts that you are excited to share. But here’s the catch: you don’t have any photos to support your text and now your blog post looks like one looooooong batch of text.
Guess what? It will not get read. Maybe skimmed at best. People need visuals to break up text and make it feel more readable.

Use your photos to help support your blog posts and your readers will get more out of what you have to share!
4. Printed Marketing Materials
Have a flyer you want to create? A pricing brochure you want to display? A business card you want to pass out? Personal brand photos will help you create these printed materials with more ease.
You will have a visually appealing design that catches attention, creates a connection and attracts your dream clients.

5. Email Newsletters
If you send out an email newsletter you’ll need to have photos to break up your content as well. Brand photos are a great way to add visual appeal and connect with your clients.

These are just five places to use your brand photos. There are so many other ways to use your photos too and as you grow and expand you’ll be so glad you invested in brand photos for your business. More importantly, your audience needs to see YOU and what you bring to this world! Show them with beautiful brand photos of yourself.

Five Places to Use Your Brand Photos: CT Brand Photographer
FILED IN: Helpful Tips, Personal Brand Photography
February 27, 2023