To the Mom who has a one year old or a soon-to-be one year old:
You made it. It wasn’t easy. In fact at times it was down right exhausting running on a few hours of fragmented sleep a night. That first year with your baby was hard.
It was frustrating trying to figure out how to feed your baby, and once you both got the hang of it, trying to keep up with the demand and TIME it takes was overwhelming.
It was dirty and smelly. I’m not talking about dirty diapers here. I’m talking about YOUR personal hygiene that took a hit because squeezing in a shower while your baby napped wasn’t as appealing as taking a nap yourself. I’ve been guilty of using dry shampoo and body spray more times than I’d like to admit.
But with the demands of being a mom to an infant, it pales in comparison to the love and joy you’ve reaped in the last year. Am I right? Remember the first time your baby smiled at you for real (not the gas induced smile)? It made your heart sing I’m sure.
Or how about the sound of that first giggle? Man if I could bottle up the sound of that giggle and make it my ring tone I would.
Let’s not forget about the first time your baby rolled over. How proud were you?
How about the sight of your baby breaking into a huge gummy smile when you walk into the room after being away from each other for bit? Talk about someone making you feel special.
Whatever you sacrificed— time, sleep, personal hygiene (and maybe some brain cells!) it was WORTH IT. The most unconditional, purest love there is, is that love for your child.
And that tiny newborn you held on your chest in the hospital is now a curious, mobile, personality filled one-year-old!! This is a special milestone for both of you. Document it! Celebrate this past year, with all its ups and downs that came along with it. You blinked and now your baby isn’t so much a baby any more. I’m sure you think this was the fastest year of your life. Guess what? It only gets faster and faster I swear.
This is coming from a mom who has three sweet boys herself. My baby just turned one a few weeks ago. Considering he is probably my last baby, it was a little more bittersweet this time around to have him turn one. And just like his brothers before him, I took his one year photos at a park we love to play at. I like to keep my first birthday sessions with them simple and focus on their personalities, their gestures, and their cute little faces (guilty of being a proud mom).
Once I finished editing his one year photos and took a look at them, I have to tell you, my heart wanted to burst. His smile, the way he gets so proud of himself when we stands up and starts to take a few steps, the way he breaks out into laugher when he gets pushed on the swing…this is what I want to remember about my one year old baby. And you better believe, one of these photos will be printed large, framed and hung up in our house. The rest will be printed and put into an album. I want to remember this season in our lives and I want him to appreciate these when he’s older.
So from one mom to another, find a photographer you love (if you don’t have one, I know someone who loves first birthday sessions 😉 ) and get those one year photos of your baby taken. I encourage, actually no, I insist that you get in the frame as well. I’d be in these photos if I wasn’t the one taking them! Congratulations on raising a happy, smart, and loved baby! And Happy First Birthday to your little one.
Here are my sweet boy’s one year photos. I can’t decide on which one I want printed and framed. Leave me a comment and let me know which one you’d frame and hang, I need help!
Katie Pugliese is an on-location, natural light maternity, newborn, child and family photographer specializing in emotional modern portrait photography. Serving all of Connecticut.
From One Mom to Another: Why You Should Have First Birthday Photos of Your Baby
FILED IN: First Birthday, Helpful Tips, Personal
October 11, 2018