52 days. That’s how long this little guy, aka my nephew Nathan, was in the NICU for. Born at just 28 weeks and 3 lbs 1oz he was a fighter from the start.
While no parent wants a premature birth, and there were some scary times, Nathan had a relatively “boring” NICU experience and was released to go home ahead of schedule at just 35 weeks weighing in at 5 lbs 10 oz.
To say our family, especially my sister and brother-in-law, are happy to have him finally home is an understatement. We are blessed beyond belief that Nathan is happy, healthy and growing just the way he should be.
Here’s a peek at his preemie newborn welcome home session, which we did on his actual due date. Nate, you are amazing! xoxo
Middlebury, CT Preemie Newborn Session: Welcome Home Photos
September 4, 2018