I’m always happy to read an email from a client telling me their baby has arrived and are ready to set up a time for the newborn session. But this one particular email I received in September had me with my heart in my stomach. See I wasn’t expecting this email for another three months so when first time mother of twins, Kirsten, informed me her babies were born at just 28 weeks all I could think of was “this poor mother”. The thing was, her tone in her email was nothing short of positive. Acknowledging they had a long road ahead of them she said they were fighters and she’d be in touch when they left the hospital in late November at the earliest. The babies didn’t even have names yet. I just knew Baby A was a boy and Baby B was a girl and they were born at just 2 lbs 13 oz and albs 9 oz. As a mother myself I don’t know if I could have handled her situation as well as she did.

Three months later I got to meet these little fighters, Owen and Lauren, after months of treatment in the NICU. If I didn’t know any better I would have thought these two were full term babies, weighing in around 7 lbs each at the time of our delayed newborn session. Not only were these twins impressive but after listening to their story from Kirsten and husband, Kevin, I was pretty inspired by them as well. Parenthood is scary enough the first time you become a mother or a father but imagine what it’s like when your babies are so small your wedding ring fits on their arm and you shuffle back and forth from the hospital to home every day for weeks on end. I honestly expected to deal with frazzled parents during our in home newborn session but it was the exact opposite of that. They were calm, cool and collected and had an extra look of gratefulness in their eyes for their precious babies that were finally “home”.

Here are a few of my favorites from our newborn session:

CT Lifestyle Photographer Katie Pugliese PhotographyCT Twin Newborn Photographer CT Newborn PhotographerMother and Newborn SonFather and Newborn DaughterMother and Newborn DaughterFather and newborn SonNewborn baby girlNewborn baby boyNewborn baby girl sleeping on blanketnewborn baby boy sleeping on blanketCT Newborn PhotographerCT Twin Newborn Photographer newborn twin handsCT Newborn Family Photographer

In April Kirsten will be Marching for Babies to help raise awareness and funds for premature babies. You can read more about their story and help support this worthy cause here:

March for Babies

Owen and Lauren in their early days of life at the CT Children’s Medical Center’s NICU.

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In Home Twin Newborn Session – CT Lifestyle Photographer

FILED IN: Newborn

March 19, 2017





